Stephen Herold Gentlemen's ArtifactsA personal choice of some special items from Antiques AtoZ stock.




French Revolutionary Laws & Decrees

I am happy to be able to offer a nice selection of these rare printings of French revolutionary laws. They come from a collection in Paris that included almost all of the hundreds of laws and proclamations during this period. Many bear the stamped signature and red seal of the revolutionary government that marks them as official file copies. Only a few hundred of each was printed for distribution to deputies, department administrators and other important officials. These are the heart of the French Revolution and they document the slide into the Terror, the Great Terror, and the reestablishment of a working government.

I have many more not listed here, along with a number of letters and documents from both France and the Kingdom of Italy — please ask if interested.

Revolutionary Pamphlet
La Defenseur De La Liberte 12


Volume 12 (of 49) of the well known revolutionary publication in those early days when discussion was going on about how to reconstruct France. Text by Pierre Moithey, printed by Laurent Junior and distributed by Pont St Michel. Date inserted by hand on cover in fine script. Printed on cream/tan handmade paper sewn into printed gray paper covers as issued. Our own Federalist Papers was a similar series of discourses on the direction of the Republic. Interesting and historic. $50.00

Proclamation Du Roi
Sur un Decret de l’Assembleé Nationale, pour la suite & l’accéleration des opérations de Commissaires de Sa Majesté, chargés de l’établissement des Assemblés de department
18 June 1790

The National Assembly has decreed the new administrative departments of France and how they are to be run. The work is going very slowly, with much obvious resistence from existing bureaucrats, and in this proclamation the King calls for faster implementation. With woodcut of Royal sun and arms on a shield, scepters, Order of the Holy Ghost and more. Single sheet printed by the Royal Printer in Paris. $100

Proclamation Du Roi
Sur un Décret de l’Assembleé Nationale, du 17 Juin, relatif à la Fedéation générale des Gardes nationales & des Troupes du Royaume
19 Juin 1790

The National Garde of the Assembly and People is to be amalgamated with the Royal Army. With this proclamation the Revolution has eliminated the old Royal army. Woodcut of the Royal arms, crown and symbols of war. Four page folded sheet with a small piece missing on back from old binding. Printed by the Royal Printer in Paris. $100 SOLD

Interprétative de l’article II du Décret du 27 Janiver dernier, relatif à l’augmentation des Officers géneraux de l’Armee
18 Mars 1790

A law for the increase and regulation of Army officers in the face of growing military difficulties. It covers general officers, colonels, lieutenant-colonels and other administrative and tribunal officials of the army. Until now the laws have been proclaimed in the name of “le Roi”, but now it is “par la grâce de Diu & par la Loi constitutionnelle de l’État” and he is “Roi des François” and not “Roi de France”. Woodcut of the Royal arms, crown and trophies. Four page folded sheet. Printed by the Royal priner in paris. $50 SOLD

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Interprétatif de l’article III de la Loi du 21 mars, relatif à la formation d’un Comité de surveillance dans chaque Section
30 Mars 1793, l’an second de la republique Françoise

The King is gone and all is done in the name of the Convention. Even more chilling are the new changes in French political life. Now we hear of the years of the Republic, not the years of Liberty, and this decree concerns creating a Committe of Surveillance to expose and destroy enemies of the Republic in cooperation with the dreaded Committee of Public Safety. No longer do we find pretty woodcuts; just harsh reality as the Terror begins. Four page folded sheet with the griffe (stamped signature) of Gohier and the Red Seal of the Republic. A rare official copy printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $100

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Portent que les membres de la Convention contre lesquels il y aura de fortes présomptions de complicité avec les enemies de la Républic, seront décrétés d’accusation
1 Avril 1793, l’an second de la républic Françoise

Paranoia and fear settle in on the increasing violent assembly. Now they begin condemning their as yet nameless fellow members who conspire with the enemies of the Republic. The Terror has been killing mere citizens for years, but now the power struggle will begin killing all politicians and leaders who oppose the shifting leadership cliques. No one is now safe. Four page folded sheet with the griffe of Gohier and Red Seal of the Republic. Printed crooked on the page. An official copy printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $175

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Relatif à l’exécution de toutes les measures & de toutes les dispositions arrêtées, soit par le Comité de salut public, soit par le Conseil exécutif provoisoire
16 Mai 1793, l’an second de la républic Françoise

The dreaded Committee of Public Safety rears its ugly head. This law speaks with the two, coequal voices of the Provisional Executive Council and the Committee of Public Safety, and we note the slide of a democratic assembly into rubber stamp for an autocratic coterie of demogogues. Four page folded sheet with the griffe (stamped signature) of Gohier and the Red Seal of the Republic. An official copy printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $100

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Qui nomme les citoyens Beauharnois au ministére de la guerre, Destournelles à celui des contributions, & Houchard au général de l’armeé du Rhin.
13 Juin 1793, l‘an second de la république Françoise.

Alexander Beauharnois is appointed minister of war, and Destournelles and Houchard to other commands. Beauharnois was the original husband of Empress Josephine and the father of Prince Eugene and Hortense. An important Revolutionary-Napoleonic document, that shows how much France still depended on the services of the nobility even as the terror was starting. Houchard was later condemnded as traitor in the tightening campaign by Robespierre to destroy Danton. Beauharnoise was executed in the last gasp of the great terror, and Josephine, like Napoleon himself, is only saved by the change in regimes. Single sheet printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $50 SOLD


Décret de la Convention Nationale
Qui déclare plusieurs Députés de la Convention nationale traîtres à la Patrie, & porte qu’il y a lieu à accusation contre plusieurs autres
28 juillet 1793, l’an second de la républic Françoise

At last the other shoe drops and members of the Convention are condemned by name – 28 of them, along with “many others”, primarily concerning the revolts against the Convention in the departments of Eure, Calvados and the Rhone & Loire. Personal signed copy of Edouard Tarterou with neat pen additions of the names of extra traitors “Bergo” and “Meillant” in the margins. Four page folded sheet printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $175

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Relatif à la poursuite des Crimes de conspiration & des Délits nationaux par le Tribunal extraordinaire
5 Avril 1793, l’an second de la républic Françoise

The Convention reaffirms the powers of the “Extraordinary Tribunal” to try traitors against the people and Convention of France. Exemption from arrest is granted members of the Convention, ministers and generals of armies of the republic except with a decree of accusation from the Convention. Four page folded sheet with the griffe (stamped signature) of Gohier and the Red Seal of the Republic. An official copy printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $175

Décret de la Convention Nationale
Qui ordonne le prompt Jugement des Officers prévenus de complicité avec Dumouriez, Custine, &c.; & augmente les Récompenses accordées aux Défenseurs de la Patrie
5e jour de Nivôse, an second de la Republique Française, une & indivisible

And here we have a decree of accusation from the Convention condemning generals. Not only are Dumouriez and Custine condemned as traitors but five others and all “generals and officers” who supported them. We also see the complete transition to the new Revolutionary calendar, and the naming of the republic as “one and indivisible”, a litany we will see on official publications and personal letters for years to come. This decree also marks the beginning of the isolation and destruction of Danton by Robespierre since Danton was friendly with Dumouriez. By condemning and destroying Danton’s supporters one at a time Robespierre is able, within only a few months, to leave Danton alone and defenseless Hear we see the first steps of the Terror into the Great Terror where the leaders destroy themselves. Four page folded sheet with the griffe (stamped signature) of Gohier and the Red Seal of the Republic. An official copy printed by the printer of the National Executive at the Louvre. $195

For orders, questions or suggestions please contact Stephen Herold.

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