The Art Deadlines List
The best first: An exhaustive list of opportunities in the arts in the U.S. and abroad. Listed by deadline date, this Web page includes competitions, grants, scholarships, fellowships, jobs, internships in the arts, and much more!
National Press Photographers Association
Photographers' contests & awards.
Artist Call
Opportunities listings for visual artists featuring hundreds of listings each month such as grants, competitions, call for entries, percent for art commissions, etc. Artists working in all disciplines rely on this valuable resource to stay informed of current opportunities in the arts. Arts organizations may announce their events/opportunities free of charge. [Appears to be defunct at this time.]
American Music Center Opportunity Update
Funding opportunities for American composers and performers of American music.
National Endowment for the Arts
Get 'em while you still can.
University of Washington's List of Internet Funding Resources
The UW has assembled a good list of academic funding resources here, including many major government agencies and private foundations.
ArtsNet Development Center
The ArtsNet Development Center contains services to help the arts community search for funding. Also look at their database, where one can search by state.
Awards, Grants & Scholarships for Journalists
Valuable resources for professional journalists with full descriptions and addresses.
Canada Council / Conseil des Arts du Canada
Provides a wide range of grants and services to Canadian artists in music, dance, theatre, visual arts (including architects, critics, curators, and photographers), media arts, writing and publishing. In French and English.
Foundation Center Catalog of Publications and Services
Remember spending hours looking through those huge grantmaker directories at the library? Now they're on the Web! Broken down by category, including arts funding.
A national arts service organization. Offers arts grantseekers links to arts funding sources on the Web.
Yahoo! Education:Financial Aid:Grants
Collections and directories of grant sources.
Books AtoZ Grant Listings
Grants opportunities in categories beside art.
The Grant Advisor